l. Record any sludge, jell, or abrasive grit present in the test fluid.
m. When collecting the stroked fluid, all the residue which has deposited on the rubber and metal
internal parts should be removed by rinsing and agitating such parts in the stroked fluid and using
a soft brush to assure that all loose adhering sediment is collected.
n. Clean rubber cups in isopropyl alcohol and dry with clean, compressed air.
o. Inspect cups for tackiness, scoring, scuffing, blistering, cracking, chipping, (heel abrasions), and
change in shape from original appearance to determine conformance to
p. Within 1 hour after disassembly, measure the lip and base diameter of each cylinder cup by the
procedure specified in with the exception that the lip or base diameters of cups may differ
by more than 0.003 in (0.08 mm) to determine conformance to
q. Determine the hardness of each cup by the procedure specified in 4.7.2 to determine conformance
r. Within 1 hour after draining cylinders, agitate fluid in glass jar to suspend and uniformly disperse
sediment and transfer a 100 ml portion of this fluid to an ASTM cone-shaped centrifuge tube and
determine percent sediment as described in ASTM D91 to determine conformance to
s. Inspect cylinder parts, recording any gum deposits.
t. Rub any deposits adhering to cylinder walls with a cloth wetted with isopropyl alcohol to determine
abrasiveness and removability.
u. Clean cylinder parts in isopropyl alcohol and dry with compressed air, and inspect for pitting and
scoring on pistons and cylinder walls to determine conformance to
v. Measure and record diameters of pistons and cylinders by the procedures specified in
4.7.7 Corrosiveness. Rubber cups. Three rubber cups are required. The base diameter and the hardness of the cups
shall be determined prior to testing. Metal Strips. Three strips of each of the following metals are required:
Tin Plate
ASTM A624/A624M
Carbon steel
ASTM A1008/A1008M
Aluminum alloy
Cast iron
SAE J431, G11H18
ASTM B36/B36M, Copper Alloy UNS No. C26800, temper 1102.
ASTM B152/B152M, Copper UNS No. C11400
a. Each strip shall measure 3 inches by 1/2 inch by less than 1/4 inch (76 mm X 12.8mm X less than
6.4 mm).
b. A hole 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) in diameter, centered 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) from one end, shall be drilled in
each strip.
c. All strips, with the exception of the tinned iron strips, shall be cleaned by abrading with 320A water
proof carborundum paper and Stoddard solvent, until all surface scratches, cuts and pits are
removed from the strips.
d. The strips shall then be polished with 00 grade steel wool.
e. All strips, including the tinned iron, shall then be rinsed with isopropyl alcohol or 95 percent ethyl
alcohol and dried with a clean lint-free cloth and brought to constant weight in desiccators.
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