B.3.5 Test course. The test course to be used for conducting all on-vehicle qualification
tests will be selected by the Preparing Activity. The preferred course is located at the U.S. Army
Proving Ground (YPG), Yuma, Arizona. Yuma has been traditionally selected for on-vehicle
track testing because of climate, course, and test result consistency. The following standard track
laying vehicle (tank and other tracked vehicles) test courses at YPG are designated for testing
track for this specification.
Paved course. The dynamometer course is a 2-mile, smooth, near-level
(0.8 percent grade) 30-foot wide roadway with 500-foot radius turnarounds at
each end, surfaced with a high strength asphalt. The course is located at an
elevation of approximately 470 feet above sea level and is staked at 0.1-mile
intervals throughout its length with accurately surveyed distance markers.
Gravel course. The tank gravel course is a 3.6-mile compacted and graded gravel
course and is for testing track laying vehicles under conditions simulating a
secondary gravel road. The course consists of short straight sections and curves of
varying radii with many moderate and sharp turns.
Hilly cross-country course. The tank hilly cross-country B course is 2.7 miles long
and has short steep grades (35 percent) with a greater proportion of slopes less
than 20 percent. This course has surfaces varying from sand and gravel to exposed
bedrock. The loose gravel, sharp stones and rocks present a severe cutting and
abrasion problem for tracks and roadwheels.
Level-cross country course. The tank level cross-country course traverses areas of
level, sandy terrain with many bumps that provide a severe test of track laying
vehicles. The dust conditions are typical of cross-country operation on dry soil.
One lap is 6.7 miles.
B.3.6 Operational mode summary. The operational mode summary for the test shall
consist of 25% paved (concrete, asphalt, or macadam); 50% on gravel composed mostly of small
stones; and 25% on cross-country (equal amount of hilly and level). During the test, the vehicle
shall not traverse more than 50 continuous miles over any single type of terrain. Vehicle direction
around the test courses shall be changed periodically to assure approximately equal clockwise and
counterclockwise test operation.
B.3.6.1 Climatological conditions. In order to expose the track test samples to the
maximum "hot" weather conditions, vehicle road testing shall be scheduled to start no earlier than
1 March and no later than 1 September of the same calendar year.
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